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Enrolling In Medicare

Year-end Enrollment Planning

Are you thinking about retiring at the end of the year and will need Medicare for Jan 1st?

Please register to be added to HTA’s follow up list to keep you on track for a stress-free year end enrollment process:


What you need to know about enrolling in Medicare for January 1st

Reviewing your Coverage

We recommend that if you have a Standalone Prescription Drug Plan (Part D / PDP) or a Medicare Advantage Plan, that you review your coverage each year during the Annual Enrollment period 10/15 to 12/7.

HTA provides several options that make this easy–exclusively for our Medicare Clients!!  We can EMAIL YOU your results, or review on a PHONE CALL or ZOOM MEETING.

If you are content with your current plan, after we confirm there are no major changes, you can DO NOTHING and your plan will automatically renew with the new premium and benefits.

If you are not happy with your current plan, we will help you select and enroll in a new plan.

How to best prepare for AEP - 8m 36s

Medicare Prescription Drug Plans

Shopping Part D coverage- 4m 10s

Medicare Supplement Plans

When can I shop my MS Plan- 2m 23s

Medicare Supplement vs Medicare Advantage

Choosing your Medicare Insurance

Important Dates and Canceling previous Coverage

The Medicare Annual Enrollment Period runs from 10/15 to 12/7 annually.  Any plan changes for Medicare Advantage (MAPD) or Prescription Drug Plans (PDP) will take effect on 1/1.  If you feel you made a mistake in your selection, you can change plans as many times as you want prior to 12/7.

After 12/7, you are locked into your PDP plan for the following year.  You will have one additional Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period from 1/1 to 3/31.  At that time you can switch an existing MAPD plan or you can cancel MAPD and return to Original Medicare with a Medicare Supplement (MS may be medically underwritten to qualify).

You will not need to cancel any previous MAPD or PDP coverage.  The approval of your new policy will automatically cancel any old coverage.  The only plans that you will need to notify the carrier of cancelation are Medicare Supplement Plans.

Important AEP Dates - 2m 3s

Do I need to cancel my previous coverage? - 1m 29s

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100 Campbell Blvd.
Suite 100
Exton, PA 19341

Contact Us
P: 610.430.6650
F: 610.430.6652

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