Medicare Supplement
State Exceptions
Special Guaranteed Issue Rules By State
California: Birthday Rule
- For 60 days after one’s Birthday you may change from your current Medicare Supplement Plan to another Medicare Supplement plan of equal or lesser benefits with any carrier.
- Your chosen plan will begin the first of the ensuing month.
- Request to change cannot be made until the policyholder’s exact birthday.
- Carriers will require proof of current Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan in force policy.
Connecticut: Year Round
- Guaranteed Issue to all Medicare Supplement Plan letters and carriers regardless of current coverage.
- If changing from Medicare Advantage (MAPD), must wait until the Annual Enrollment Period unless you have a valid Special Enrollment Period to leave your MAPD.
Idaho: Birthday Rule
- For 63 days after one’s Birthday you may change from your current Medicare Supplement Plan to another Medicare Supplement plan of equal or lesser benefits with any carrier.
- Your chosen plan will begin the first of the ensuing month.
- Request to change cannot be made until the policyholder’s exact birthday.
- Carriers will require proof of current Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan in force policy.
- New plans cannot be age rated, charge application fees, or charge higher premiums based up method of payment.
Illinois: Birthday Rule
- Individuals between 65 and 75 years old who have an existing Medicare supplement plan can choose a Medicare Supplement policy from the SAME carrier that offers benefits equal to or lesser than their existing plan.
- Available for a period of at least 45 days from their birthday.
- The chosen effective date must fall within the 90 day time period beginning on the applicant’s birthdate.
- The new Medicare Supplement policy must be from the same underwriting company as the existing policy.
- Note: If the previous carrier’s entity is now closed, the Illinois birthday rule would not apply. The new application would need to be underwritten.
Kentucky: Birthday Rule
For 60 days after one’s birthday, you may change from your current Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan to another Medicare Supplement Plan of the SAME benefits with any carrier.
Your chosen plan will begin on the first of the ensuing month.
Carriers will require proof of current Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan in force policy.
Louisiana: Birthday Rule
- For 30 days before and 63 days after your EXACT birthday, who have an existing Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan can chose a Medicare Supplement policy from the SAME carrier that offers benefits equal to or less than their existing plan.
- Your chosen plan will begin on the first of the ensuing month.
- Carriers will require proof of current Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan in force policy.
Massachusetts: Annual
Guaranteed Issue from 02/01 to 03/31 each year for those who missed their Open Enrollment Period or to change Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan letter or carrier. One cannot use this to change from Medicare Advantage Plan (MAPD) to a Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan.
Carrier can elect to begin new policy as late as 06/01.
Maryland: Birthday Rule
- For 30 days after one’s Birthday, you may change from your current Medicare Supplement Plan to another Medicare Supplement plan of equal or lesser benefits with any carrier.
- Your chosen plan will begin the first of the ensuing month.
- Carrier will require proof (ID Card) of current Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan in force including the effective date of the policy. Also require proof that the policy is paid to date (screenshot from carrier website or screenshot of bank account that shows last payment).
Maine: Several Options
- All carriers must offer Guaranteed Issue to Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan A for everyone regardless of current coverage either year round or annually for 30 day period (this period can differ from carrier to carrier).
- As long as one has not had more than a 90 day gap in their Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan coverage, they will have Guaranteed Issue to change to a different Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan of equal or lesser benefits with any carrier.
- Also offers Guarantee Issue into a Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan within 90 days of losing individual Affordable Care Act plan.
Missouri: Anniversary Rule
- For 30 days before or after your current Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan’s policy anniversary can change to the same Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan letter with another carrier.
- Your chosen plan will begin the first of the ensuing month.
- You cannot chose a different Plan letter.
- Carriers will require proof of current Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan in force policy.
Nevada: Birthday Rule
- For 60 days after one’s Birth month you may change from your current Medicare Supplement Plan to another Medicare Supplement plan of equal or lesser benefits with any carrier.
- Your chosen plan will begin the first of the ensuing month.
- Carriers will require proof of current Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan in force policy.
New York: Year Round
- Guaranteed Issue to all Medicare Supplement Plan letters and carriers regardless of current coverage.
- If changing from Medicare Advantage (MAPD), must wait the until Annual Enrollment Period unless you have a valid Special Enrollment Period to leave leave your MAPD.
Oklahoma: Birthday Rule
- For 60 days after your birthday, you will have the opportunity to switch to a different Medicare Supplement policy of equal or lesser benefits with the same or different insurance company.
Oregon: Birthday Rule
- For 30 days before and after your EXACT birthday, you may change from your current Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan to another Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan of equal or lesser benefits with any carrier.
- Your chosen plan will begin the first of the ensuing month
- Carriers will require proof of current Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan in force policy.
Vermont: Year Round- Carrier dependent
- Year Round Open-enrollment. However, the Insurance Carriers can choose whether or not to participate. As of now, the only carrier that HTA represents that has adopted this rule is Mutual of Omaha.
Washington: Year Round
- Guaranteed Issue is available as long as you have not had a lapse in your current Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan policy longer than 90 days.
- Policyholders (with any carrier) qualify for guaranteed issue when replacing their current plan with another Medicare Supplement insurance plan. They may replace their current plan with any plan option available by an issuer.
- Plan A policyholders are only guaranteed acceptance into Plan A.
- Carriers will require proof of current Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan in force policy.
Visit the following pages for more information on plan options
Medicare Supplement Plan Options
Medicare Advantage Plan Options
Medicare Part D Prescription Plans